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Android Spy Apps | Spy Apps For Android | Android Spy Software

Android Spy Apps | Spy Apps For Android | Android Spy Software

Spy App is the most powerful monitoring and tracking software for mobile phones. It allows you to monitor all the activities of any user's Android device.

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KEY24 APPKEY24 بهترین برنامه کنترل والدینی اندروید است که به والدین امکان می‌دهد تا فعالیت‌های دیجیتالی فرزندانشان را نظارت و کنترل کنند و فضاهای دیجیتالی امن‌تری ایجاد کنند.

هیمن الان استفاده کنید از برنامه KEY24 برای کنترل والدینی اندروید

چرا به یک برنامه کنترل والدینی برای دستگاه‌های اندرویدی نیاز دارید؟

74٪ از گوشی‌های هوشمند مورد استفاده کودکان در سراسر جهان از سیستم عامل اندروید استفاده می‌کنند. آیا می‌دانید؟ دستگاه‌های اندرویدی در معرض خطرات امنیتی بالایی قرار دارند و فرزندان شما نیز همینطور هستند.

82٪ از دستگاه‌های اندرویدی حداقل یک مشکل امنیتی سیستم عامل دارند.

80٪ از کودکان به طور فعال برنامه‌ها را در دستگاه‌های اندرویدی خود دانلود می‌کنند.

25٪ از 2 میلیون برنامه در Google Play دارای خطرات امنیتی بالایی هستند.

14٪ از کودکان استفاده کننده از اندروید خریدهای درون برنامه‌ای انجام می‌دهند.

کنترل‌های جامع والدینی اندروید برای حداکثر امنیت دیجیتالی کودکان

نرم افزار نظارت اندروید KEY24 ابزارهای نامحدود امنیت دیجیتالی را برای حفظ امنیت و نظارت بر کاربر کوچک اندرویدی شما ارائه می‌دهد.

مجموعه ابزار مدیریت زمان صفحه نمایش

به طور متوسط، کودکان روزانه 5 تا 8 ساعت را صرف تماشای محتوا، گپ زدن یا بازی می‌کنند که نیاز به کنترل زمان صفحه نمایش برای اندروید دارد.

زمان بندی زمان صفحه نمایش

تصمیم بگیرید که کودک شما در طول روز چه زمانی می‌تواند یا نمی‌تواند از صفحه نمایش استفاده کند.

محدودیت برنامه فردی

محدودیت‌هایی را برای بازی‌ها و برنامه‌ها تعیین کنید تا از اعتیاد جلوگیری شود.

محدودیت‌های استفاده روزانه

محدودیت‌هایی را برای محدود کردن استفاده روزانه کودک از صفحه نمایش تعیین کنید.

زمان بندی اینترنت

دسترسی روزانه محدود به اینترنت را برای کودکان زمان بندی کنید.

محدودیت دسترسی به محتوا و برنامه

80٪ از کودکان بالای 12 سال به طور تصادفی برنامه‌ها و بازی‌ها را دانلود می‌کنند و با محتوای آنلاین تعامل دارند. با یک مسدودکننده برنامه برای اندروید و سایر ابزارها، دسترسی آنها را امن کنید.

مسدودکننده برنامه‌ها و بازی‌ها

برنامه‌ها و بازی‌های نامناسب یا تأیید نشده را مسدود کنید.

فیلترهای وب و جستجوی ایمن

فیلترهای جستجو را برای محدود کردن نتایج جستجوی نامناسب فعال کنید.

مسدودکننده وب‌سایت‌ها

وب‌سایت‌های صریح و نامناسب برای سن را در مرورگر مسدود کنید.

تأیید برنامه‌ها و بازی‌ها

تصمیم بگیرید که کودک شما از چه برنامه‌ها یا بازی‌هایی استفاده یا با آنها تعامل خواهد داشت.

نظارت بر فعالیت‌ها برای افزایش ایمنی

81٪ از کودکان دارای تلفن و اینترنت در سایت‌های رسانه‌های اجتماعی فعال هستند. برنامه نظارت اندروید به بررسی فعالیت‌های آنها کمک می‌کند و آنها را از تهدیدات سایبری نجات می‌دهد.


نظارت بر رسانه‌های اجتماعی

گفتگوهای آنها را در پلتفرم‌های رسانه‌های اجتماعی محبوب مشاهده کنید.


تاریخچه یوتیوب و تیک‌تاک

بدانید کودک شما چه چیزهایی را آنلاین تماشا کرده است.


تماس‌ها و پیامک‌ها

تماس‌های ورودی و خروجی و پیامک‌ها را یک نگاه مرور کنید.


تاریخچه وب

بفهمید کودک شما برای یادگیری چه چیزهایی را جستجو کرده است.


ردیابی و پیگیری مکان‌ها

85٪ از والدین نگران مکان فرزندانشان هنگامی که دور هستند، می‌باشند. به جعبه ابزار نهایی برای اطلاع از مکان کودک خود در 24/7 دسترسی پیدا کنید.


ردیاب خانوادگی

هر زمان که بخواهید، مکان خانواده خود را آنلاین مرور کنید.


ردیابی مکان

ردیابی مکان هوشمند و دقیق برای اندروید.


مکان‌ها (محدوده جغرافیایی)

محدوده‌های جغرافیایی را برای نظارت بر حرکات کودک خود تنظیم کنید.


با هشدارهای زنده در ارتباط باشید

با گزینه‌های هشدار دوطرفه با کودکان خود در ارتباط باشید. آنها می‌توانند هنگام نیاز یا احساس خطر با شما تماس بگیرند و شما می‌توانید یادآوری‌های نرم برای ایمنی آنها ارسال کنید.


هشدار PickMeUp

کودکان می‌توانند یادآوری‌های برداشتن را ارسال کنند تا منتظر نمانند.


هشدار باتری کم

بدانید کودک شما چه چیزهایی را آنلاین تماشا کرده است.


هشدار SOS

هشدارهای SOS در زمان واقعی برای کودکان هنگامی که در خطر هستند.


هشدار محدوده جغرافیایی

برای حرکت کودک خود در مکان‌های محدوده جغرافیایی هشدار تنظیم کنید.


کنترل‌های والدینی اندروید، ایمنی دیجیتال کودک شما را تغییر می‌دهد


نظارت اندروید با KEY24 شما را به سمت یک محیط دیجیتال آنلاین ایمن‌تر برای کودکان خود سوق می‌دهد.


زمان صفحه نمایش مدیریت شده

زمان صفحه نمایش را برای دستگاه‌های اندروید کنترل کنید تا اطمینان حاصل شود که کودک شما بیش از حد در معرض صفحه نمایش‌ها و محتوای آنلاین قرار نمی‌گیرد. به آنها کمک کنید تا فعالیت‌های آنلاین و آفلاین خود را متعادل کنند و از اعتیاد به صفحه نمایش جلوگیری کنند.


با آزار و اذیت مبارزه کنید

50٪ از نوجوانان در رسانه‌های اجتماعی مورد آزار و اذیت قرار می‌گیرند. با نرم‌افزار نظارت اندروید از طریق بررسی گفتگوهای واتس‌اپ، فیس‌بوک، اینستاگرام، تویچ، بیپ و سیگنال آنها، نوجوان خود را از آزار و اذیت در امان نگه دارید.


افزایش ایمنی محتوا

کودکان در معرض خطر بالاتری برای مواجهه با محتوا و برنامه‌های صریح آنلاین قرار دارند. از مسدودکننده‌های برنامه و وب برای فیلتر کردن محتوا، تأیید برنامه‌ها برای استفاده از برنامه‌های مناسب و فیلترهای جستجو برای دسترسی به محتوای ایمن استفاده کنید.


گام‌های آنها را تماشا کنید

دانستن اینکه کودکان و نوجوانان شما به کجا می‌روند، به شما کمک می‌کند تا آنها را ایمن نگه دارید. مکان زنده آنها را ردیابی کنید، تاریخچه مکان را مشاهده کنید و محدوده جغرافیایی را برای دریافت هشدارهای مربوط به حرکات آنها با برنامه ردیابی مکان اندروید KEY24 تنظیم کنید.


شکارچیان سایبری را دور نگه دارید

شکارچیان سایبری که به لیست مخاطبین کودک شما راه پیدا می‌کنند، یک تهدید واقعی هستند. با استفاده از بهترین برنامه نظارت برای اندروید، لیست مخاطبین، گزارش تماس‌ها و پیامک‌ها را بررسی کنید تا مخاطبین مشکوک را در لیست سیاه قرار دهید.


همیشه یک ضربه دور

بهترین برنامه کنترل والدینی برای اندروید هشدارهای ایمنی مانند SOS، PickMeUp و حرکت محدوده جغرافیایی را برای شما فراهم می‌کند تا هنگامی که کودکان به شما نیاز دارند، در دسترس باشید. علاوه بر این، به آنها هشدار باتری کم ارسال کنید تا به موقع دستگاه‌های خود را شارژ کنند.

  • keleis andre
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اس ام اس بمبر ابزاری است که برای ارسال تعداد زیادی پیام کوتاه به یک شماره تلفن خاص در یک بازه زمانی کوتاه استفاده می‌شود. این ابزار می‌تواند برای اهداف مختلفی از جمله شوخی، اذیت و آزار، یا حتی تبلیغات استفاده شود. لطفاً برای استفاده از ابزار اس ام اس بمبر قوی با ترموکس، به این وبسایت مراجعه نمایید که شامل دو روش آموزشی می‌باشد.


استفاده از اس ام اس بمبر برای اذیت و آزار دیگران غیرقانونی و غیراخلاقی است. این کار می‌تواند باعث ایجاد مزاحمت و آزار و اذیت برای شخص قربانی شده و حتی منجر به پیگرد قانونی شود.

آموزش استفاده از اس ام اس بمبر:

در این آموزش، نحوه استفاده از اس ام اس بمبر در ترموکس را به شما آموزش خواهیم داد.


  1. ترموکس را باز کنید.

  2. دستورات زیر را به ترتیب وارد کنید:

pkg install python
pkg install git
git clone
cd sms_bomber
  1. شماره تلفن قربانی را وارد کنید.

  2. تعداد پیام‌هایی که می‌خواهید ارسال کنید را وارد کنید.

  3. متن پیام را وارد کنید.

  4. Enter را بزنید.

مراحل انجام کار:

  1. نصب ترموکس:

ابتدا باید ترموکس را بر روی گوشی یا کامپیوتر خود نصب کنید. ترموکس یک شبیه‌ساز ترمینال است که به شما امکان می‌دهد دستورات لینوکس را در سیستم عامل خود اجرا کنید.

  1. نصب ابزار اس ام اس بمبر:

پس از نصب ترموکس، باید ابزار اس ام اس بمبر را نصب کنید. برای این کار می‌توانید از دستور زیر استفاده کنید:

git clone
  1. اجرای ابزار اس ام اس بمبر:

پس از نصب ابزار اس ام اس بمبر، می‌توانید آن را با دستور زیر اجرا کنید:

cd SMS-Bomber
  1. تنظیمات ابزار:

در این مرحله باید تنظیمات ابزار را انجام دهید. برای این کار باید موارد زیر را مشخص کنید:

  • شماره تلفن گیرنده: شماره تلفنی که می‌خواهید پیامک را به آن ارسال کنید.
  • متن پیامک: متنی که می‌خواهید به عنوان پیامک ارسال کنید.
  • تعداد پیامک ها: تعداد پیامک هایی که می‌خواهید ارسال کنید.
  1. ارسال پیامک:

پس از انجام تنظیمات، می‌توانید با زدن دکمه Enter پیامک ها را ارسال کنید.


  • keleis andre
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در اینجا چگونگی تقویت امنیت حساب اسکایپ برای جلوگیری از هک را یاد بگیرید. با مطالعه این مقاله، نکات تخصصی، راهنمایی‌های مرحله به مرحله، و پاسخ به سوالات متداول را برای حفظ امنیت حساب اسکایپتان از دسترسی غیرمجاز فراهم کنید.


در عصر دیجیتال حاضر، امنیت حساب‌های آنلاین از اهمیت ویژه‌ای برخوردار است. این واژه به ویژه برای پلتفرم‌های ارتباطی مانند اسکایپ صادق است، جایی که اطلاعات شخصی و حساس اغلب تبادل می‌شود. این مقاله به بررسی راهبردها و شیوه‌های بهترین عمل جهت تقویت امنیت حساب اسکایپ می‌پردازد و از وقوع حوادث هک جلوگیری می‌کند. ما نصائح متخصصانه، پیشنهادات کاربردی، و گام‌های قابل اجرا را ارائه می‌دهیم تا شما را قادر به ترتیب امور امنیتی آنلاین خود کنیم.

چگونگی تقویت امنیت حساب اسکایپ برای جلوگیری از هک

پایه ایمنی حساب اسکایپ در درک خطرات احتمالی و اجرای تدابیر پیشگیرانه قوی قرار دارد. بیایید به بررسی اینکه چگونه می‌توانید امنیت حساب اسکایپ خود را بهبود بخشید، بپردازیم.

حفظ اطلاعات ورودی ایمن

  • کلمات کلیدی مشابه: امنیت حساب اسکایپ، حفاظت از ورود اسکایپ
  • استفاده از گذرواژه قوی: برای گذرواژه‌ی خود انتخابی منحصربفرد از حروف بزرگ و کوچک، اعداد و نمادها انتخاب کنید. از عبارات مشترک یا اطلاعاتی که به راحتی قابل حدس زدن هستند، پرهیز کنید.
  • فعال سازی احراز هویت دو مرحله‌ای (2FA): با فعال کردن 2FA، یک لایه اضافی از حفاظت اضافه می‌شود. این نیازمندی به یک فرم تأیید دوم مانند کدی که به تلفن همراهتان ارسال می‌شود، به علاوه گذرواژه‌ی شما است.

نمایی از محیط اسکایپ در ویندوز ۸٫۱

به روزرسانی منظم حساب

  • کلمات کلیدی مشابه: به‌روزرسانی حساب اسکایپ، به‌روزرسانی‌های امنیتی
  • به‌روزرسانی نرم‌افزار: بطور منظم اپلیکیشن اسکایپ خود را به‌روز کنید تا از بهره‌برداری از جدیدترین ارتقاءهای امنیتی و رفع اشکالات خرابکاری‌ها بهره‌برده باشید.
  • به‌روزرسانی سیستم‌عامل دستگاه: برای دستگاه کامپیوتری یا تلفن همراهی که از اسکایپ استفاده می‌کنید، مطمئن شوید که سیستم‌عاملتان به‌روز است. این اقدام به حداقل رساندن آسیب‌پذیری‌هایی است که هکرها می‌توانند از آن بهره‌برده.

مراقبت از لینک‌ها و پیوست‌ها

  • کلمات کلیدی مشابه: نکات امنیت اسکایپ، جلوگیری از لینک‌های مشکوک
  • کلیک بر روی لینک‌های مشکوک را نپذیرفته: از کلیک بر روی لینک‌های افراد ناشناخته یا لینک‌هایی که عجیب به نظر می‌آیند، پرهیز کنید. با موس روی لینک‌ها حرکت دهید تا اعتبار آنها را قبل از کلیک بررسی کنید.
  • احتیاط در مورد پیوست‌های مشکوک: از دانلود یا باز کردن پیوست‌ها از منابعی که تشخیص نمی‌دهید، خودداری کنید. این پیوست‌ها ممکن است حاوی نرم‌افزارهای مخرب یا ویروس‌ها باشند.

نظارت بر فعالیت حساب

  • کلمات کلیدی مشابه: نظارت بر حساب اسکایپ، فعالیت‌های ناشناخته
  • بررسی فعالیت حساب: به طور منظم فعالیت حساب اسکایپتان را بررسی کنید تا هر گونه ورود غیرمجاز یا ورودهای غیرمعمول را شناسایی کنید.
  • از دستگاه‌های عمومی خارج شوید: همیشه از حساب اسکایپ خود در دستگاه‌های عمومی یا کامپیوترهای مشترک خارج شوید تا افراد دیگر نتوانند به حساب شما دسترسی پیدا کنند.

حفاظت از اطلاعات شخصی

  • کلمات کلیدی مشابه: حفاظت از پروفایل اسکایپ، حفظ اطلاعات خصوصی
  • محدودیت در اشتراک‌گذاری اطلاعات شخصی: اطلاعات پروفایل خود را کاهش دهید و فقط اطلاعات لازم را به اشتراک بگذارید. کمترین اطلاعات موجود، توسط هکرها سخت‌تر قابل هدف‌گیری هستند.
  • در تماس‌ها محتاط باشید: در تماس‌های تصویری یا صوتی، به ویژه با افرادی که به خوبی نشناخته‌اید، اطلاعات حساس را اشتراک ندهید.

سوالات متداول (FAQs):

چگونه می‌توانم گذرواژه قوی برای حساب اسکایپ‌ام انتخاب کنم؟ برای ایجاد گذرواژه قوی، ترکیبی از حروف بزرگ و کوچک، اعداد و نمادهای ویژه را انتخاب کنید. از اطلاعاتی مانند تاریخ تولد یا نام‌ها به عنوان گذرواژه استفاده نکنید.

احراز هویت دو مرحله‌ای (2FA) چیست و چگونه امنیت را افزایش می‌دهد؟ 2FA یک لایه اضافی از امنیت را اضافه می‌کند. این به معنی نیاز به یک فرم تأیید دوم مانند کدی که به تلفن همراه ارسال می‌شود، به علاوه گذرواژه‌ی شماست. این موجب می‌شود که حتی اگر گذرواژه‌ی شما به خطر بیافتد، دسترسی غیرمجاز به حسابتان ممکن نشود.

آیا می‌توانم یک گذرواژه را برای چندین حساب استفاده کنم؟ استفاده از گذرواژه‌های یکسان برای حساب‌های مختلف توصیه نمی‌شود. این باعث می‌شود تا یک نقض امنیتی در یک پلتفرم تأثیری بر حساب‌های دیگر نداشته باشد.

چقدر باید فعالیت حساب اسکایپ‌ام را بررسی کنم؟ هدف از بررسی فعالیت حساب حداقل یک بار در ماه است. این به شما کمک می‌کند تا ورودهای غیرمعمول یا دسترسی‌های غیرمجاز را به موقع تشخیص دهید.

آیا شبکه‌های Wi-Fi عمومی برای استفاده از اسکایپ ایمن هستند؟ شبکه‌های Wi-Fi عمومی ممکن است خطرناک باشند زیرا ممکن است از تدابیر امنیتی مناسب برخوردار نباشند. اگر بخواهید از اسکایپ در شبکه‌های Wi-Fi عمومی استفاده کنید، در نظر داشته باشید که از شبکه خصوصی مجازی (VPN) استفاده کنید.

آیا امکان بازیابی حساب اسکایپ هک شده وجود دارد؟ بله، امکان بازیابی حساب اسکایپ هک شده وجود دارد. دنباله مراحل بازیابی حساب را از پشتیبانی اسکایپ دنبال کنید و پس از بازیابی، تنظیمات امنیتی خود را به‌روز کنید.


بهبود امنیت حساب اسکایپ نیازمند تدابیر پیشگیرانه و هوشیاری است. با اعمال گذرواژه‌های قوی، فعال سازی احراز هویت دو مرحله‌ای، مراقبت از لینک‌ها و پیوست‌ها و نظارت منظم بر فعالیت حساب، می‌توانید خطر هک را به طور قابل ملاحظه‌ای کاهش دهید. به خاطر داشته باشید که امنیت آنلاین شما در دستان شماست. با گام‌های لازم، حساب اسکایپ خود را محافظت کنید و از ارتباطات بدون نگرانی لذت ببرید.

منبع سایت: 01SPY

  • keleis andre
  • ۱
  • ۰

آموزش هک اینستاگرام

آموزش هک اینستاگرام: همانطور که می دانید؛ اینستاگرام یکی از محبوب ترین شبکه های مجازی در تمام دنیا است که امروزه افراد بسیار در آن پیج های مربوط به خود را دارند و نه تنها در آن برای کسب و کار خود تبلیغ می کنند، بلکه افرادی حتی کسب و کار های خود را از Instagram شروع می کنند و آنلاین پول در می آورند.

اینستاگرام در چند سال اخیر به یکی از محبوب ترین نرم افزار های روی گوشی و در کل به یکی از مهم ترین شبکه های اجتماعی در دنیا تبدیل شد که طرفداران زیادی نیز دارد. اما همراه با هر شبکه در فضای مجازی، روش های هک کردن یا سوال هایی درباره امنیت آن نیز به وجود می آید که برای بسیاری از ما حائز اهمیت است.

دانستن روش های هک اینستاگرام می تواند به ما کمک کند که بتوانیم امنیت پیج خود را بالا ببریم و به راحتی توسط اشخاص دیگر هک نشویم. در این مقاله در مجله امنیت ایران سوشیال، قصد داریم تا چندین روش و ابزار مهم در هک کردن اینستاگرام را معرفی کنیم و در واقع آموزش هک اینستاگرام را برای شما به اشتراک بگذاریم.
1: کرک پسورد اینستاگرام

قطعا این روش را در تمامی مقالات دیگر برای آموزش هک اکانت اینستاگرام نیز پیدا خواهید کرد. اولین و راحت ترین راه برای هک کردن یک پیج در اینستاگرام، به دست آوردن پسورد آن است. کرک پسورد یکی از ابتدایی ترین راه هایی است که توسط آن شما یا عزیزانتان را هک می کنند و اکانت های شما دچار مشکل می شود. 3 ابزار کاربردی برای کرک اینستاگرام عبارتند از:

    اینستا اینسِین (InstaInsane)
    اینستاشِل (InstaShell)
    اینستا هک (InstaHack)

در بین این 3 ابزار، دو ابزار اول یعنی InstaInsane و InstaShell یک برنامه هستند که شما میتوانید روی سیستم خود نصب کنید و از آن استفاده کنید. برای استفاده از این دو نرم افزار باید در ابتدا یک فایل از پسورد های احتمالی به آنها بدهید.

برای مثال شخصی که قصد هک کردنش را دارید در سال 1378 به دنیا آمده. تاریخ تولد او به شمصی یا میلادی، می توانید در بخشی از پسورد باشد پس در فایل پسورد قرار میگیرد. اطلاعات دیگری مانند اسم و فامیلی، نام حیوان خانگی، ایمیل یا برخی چیز های مورد علاقه شخص مورد نظرتان نیز می تواند در این فایل قرار بگیرد.

پس از تکمیل فایل پسورد احتمالی، شما فقط کافی است که برنامه را باز کنید و با استفاده از فایل پسورد، هک را شروع کنید. این ابزار های هک، تا 1000 پسورد احتمالی را در یک دقیقه تست می کنند و می تواند در چند دقیقه، پسورد اکانت شخص را به شما بدهد.

ابزار اینستاهک اما کمی راحت تر از دو ابزار دیگر است. اینستا هک، یک نرم افزار مبتنی بر وب است و شما اصلا نیازی به فایل پسورد یا انجام دادن کار خاصی ندارید. شما فقط باید اینستا هک را باز کنید، Username فرد مورد نظر را وارد آن کنید و به راحتی و با گذاشتن اندکی زمان، شخص را هک کنید.

در واقع روش مقابله با کرک شدن پسورد در اینستاگرام این است که پسورد خود را تا حدی قوی در نظر بگیرید که نرم افزار ها و ابزار های کرک پسورد موفق نشوند که پسورد شما را حدس بزنند. بهترین حالت رمز نیز می تواند رمز های تصادفی باشد که می توانید در سایت های رمز ساز مثل lastpass استفاده کنید.
2: مهندسی اجتماعی

مهندسی اجتماعی که در مقاله های دیگر وب سایت ایران سوشیال نیز درباره آن صحبت کرده ایم، یکی از روش های پیش روی شما برای هک کردن اشخاص دیگر است. مهندسی اجتماعی در زبانی ساده به معنی هنر فریب دادن شخص است. اینکه شما بتوانید از طریق رابطه ای که با شخص دارید یا رابطه ای که با آن برقرار می کنید، به گوشی یا اطلاعات لازم برای هک کردن طرف دست پیدا کنید.

برای هک کردن دیگران با روش مهندسی اجتماعی، شما می توانید از روش های بسیار مختلف و متنوعی وارد عمل شوید. به حالت درست تر اگر بخواهیم بگوییم، مهندسی اجتماعی، روشی است که شما می توانید در هک کردن دیگران از آن استفاده کنید تا کار خود را بهتر انجام دهید و شخص متوجه این که او را هک کرده اید نشود. برای مهندسی اجتماعی شما باید با شخص مورد نظر ارتباط برقرار کنید یا اگر قصد هک کردن شخصی آشنا را دارید، رابطه خود را با آن نزدیک تر کنید.

بعد از اینکه با شخص به اندازه کافی نزدیک شدید، می توانید اطلاعات مورد نظر را از شخص بخواهید یا شخص را مجاب به کاری کنید که میخواهید. دو نکته جالب در مهندسی اجتماعی این است که یک اگر درخواست شما رد شد، احتمالا هنوز به اندازه کافی به شخص نزدیک نشده اید و نکته دوم اینکه ممکن است با پرسیدن های زیاد شخص را مشکوک کنید. پس مواظب باشید که در چه موقعی از شخص درخواست می کنید.

برخی از کار های دیگر مانند حملات فیشینگ (Phishing) نیز به واسطه مهندسی اجتماعی صورت می گیرند و بسیاری از افراد مهندسی اجتماعی را خطرناک ترین روش هک می شناسند. در کل برای اینکه از طریق مهندسی اجتماعی هک نشوید، باید در وحله اول، آن را خوب بشناسید و در وحله دوم به این موضوع دقت داشته باشید که موضوعات و اطلاعات مهم را به هر کسی در زندگی نگویید. برای آشنایی کامل با مهندسی اجتماعی نیز می توانید به مقاله «مهندسی اجتماعی چیست؟» سری بزنید.

هک کردن اکانت اینستاگرام - هک آنلاین اینستاگرام

هک اینستا را یاد بگیرید!
3: آموزش هک اینستاگرام توسط اکسپلویت ها

Exploit ها دستور یا کد هایی هستند که باعث می شوند، شما به سیستم عامل یا اکانت مورد نظر خود، دسترسی داشته باشید. برخی از سایت ها نیز وجود دارند که اکسپلویت های مناسب برای هک اینستاگرام را به شما می فروشد که البته صحت عملکرد و کارایی اکسپلویت ها تایید نشده است.
4: هک اینستاگرام با برنامه های مختلف

یکی از انواع هکر ها که جوجه هکر ها یا هکر های اسکریپتی هستند که به واسطه برنامه ها یا کد های افراد دیگر اهداف خود را هک می کنند. شما برای هک کردن اینستاگرام، نیازی ندارید که به یک هکر واقعی تبدیل شوید تا بتوانید اکانت اینستاگرام شخصی خاصی را هک کنید. شما میتوانید برای هک کردن دیگران از ویروس ها یا برنامه های مختلف استفاده کنید تا دیگران را به راحتی هک کنیم.

یکی از بهترین نوع برنامه هایی که می توانید از آن استفاده کنید تا افراد مختلف را در اینستاگرام هک کنید، کی لاگر ها هستند. شما میتوانید با نصب کردن برخی از Keylogger ها مثل نرم افزار IKeyMonitor روی گوشی اشخاص تمامی اطلاعاتی که آنها وارد می کنند را ببینید و از Username و Password آنها سر در بیاورید. یکی دیگر از برنامه هایی که می توانید از آن استفاده کنید؛ ویروس RAT است. RAT مخفف عبارت Remote Access Trojan است و به صورت کنترلی و از راه دور دسترسی به اطلاعات شخص مقابل را در اختیار شما می گذارد. این ویروس یک نوع تورجان است و راه خود را به آسانی به گوشی شخص هدف وارد می کند و تمامی اطلاعات را برای شما می فرستد.

یکی از مهم ترین و شناخته شده ترین ابزار هایی که برای هک شبکه های اجتماعی مختلف استفاده می شود، برنامه ترموکس است که بیشتر از آن در سیستم عامل لینوکس استفاده می شود اما برنامه اندروید آن نیز وجود دارد. ترموکس (Termux) یکی از ابزار هایی است که در لینوکس طراحی شده است و برای هک کردن و پسورد کرکینگ از آن استفاده می شود. در ویدیو زیر می توانید روش هک اینستاگرام با ترموکس را بیاموزید.

چرا اینستاگرام را هک می کنند؟

افراد دلایل مختلف برای هک کردن یک اکانت اینستاگرام دارند. بسیاری از اوقات هک کردن اینستاگرام به دلایل زیر انجام می شود:

    نیاز به هک اکانت خود برای بازیابی پسورد اکانت خود
    هک اکانت نزدیکان برای رسیدن به هدف خاصی و انجام کاری مثل گذاشتن پست برای شخص
    هک اکانت فرزندان، برای کنترل و نظارت داشتن بر روی فعالیت های آنها در فضای مجازی

اما همه ما می دانیم که هکر ها نیز روزانه چندین اکانت را هک می کنند تا بتوانند به واسطه آن کسب درآمد کنند. این هک های مخرب، معمولا به قصد قدرت نمایی، هک اکانت های با فالوور زیاد برای فروش یا هک اکانت شخص و تلاش برای اخاذی از آنها بخشی از دلایلی است که هکر های کلاه سیاه به خاطر آن دست به هک اینستاگرام می زنند.
چرا باید هک کردن اینستاگرام را بلد باشیم؟

اینکه شما بتوانید روش های مختلف هک کردن یک اکانت را یاد بگیرید، می توانید امنیت پیج خود را بالاتر ببرید. برای مثال، اگر شما بتوانید به واسطه نرم افزار های کرک پسورد، رمز عبور خود در اینستاگرام را به دست آورید، این به این معناست که رمز شما قابل هک است و رمز خوبی نیست و شما متوجه می شوید که باید آن را عوض کنید. اصلا برای همین است که مقاله آموزش هک اینستاگرام را در سایت ایران سوشیال قرار داده ایم تا بتوانید با استفاده از روش های زیر، قدرت اکانت خود در فضای مجازی را بسنجید و به راحتی در اینستا هک نشوید.

یکی از پیشنهاد های امنیتی که می توانیم به شما دوستان داشته باشیم این است که در تمامی شبکه های اجتماعی مشهور مثل اینستاگرام، توییتر، واتساپ، تلگرام و فیسبوک؛ تایید دو مرحله ای را فعال کنید تا در صورتی که هک شدید، شخص هکر به راحتی وارد حساب شما نشود. تایید دو مرحله ای یکی از بهترین روش های افزایش امنیت اکانت در شبکه های اجتماعی است و کار هکر ها را به شدت سخت می کند.

در این مقاله در مجله امنیت شبکه های اجتماعی، تلاش داشتیم تا برخی از روش های هک اینستاگرام را به شما آموزش دهیم تا بتوانید به واسطه آن امنیت پیج خود را بالا ببرید یا حتی به واسطه آن به پیجی نفوذ کنید.
سوالات متداول

    آیا می توان اینستاگرام را هک کرد؟ بله اینستاگرام نیز یک شبکه اجتماعی است و هیچ شکبه اجتماعی در جهان غیر قابل هک نیست.
    آیا اینستاگرام اشکال امنیتی دارد؟ بله اینستاگرام با اینکه یکی امن ترین شبکه های اجتماعی به حساب می آید اما همچنان اشکالات امنیتی زیادی دارد.
    آیا می توان پسورد اینستا را کرک کرد؟ بله یکی از راه های هک یا حتی بازیابی اینستاگرام، کرک کردن پسورد اکانت است.
    آموزش هک اینستاگرام، چه کاربردی دارد؟شما می توانید با یاد گرفتن روش های هک اینستا، امنیت خساب خود را سنجیده و افزایش دهید.

«اطلاعیه ی مهم»
با درود و احترام بدینوسیله به اطلاع می رساند: فعالیت تیم کارشناسان و متخصیصین، صرفاً در جهت آموزش و اطلاع رسانی در خصوص اقدامات پیشگیرانه به منظور افزایش سطح آگاهی و امنیت کاربران شبکه های اجتماعی و جلوگیری از دستیابی غیر مجاز به داده های شما در سیستم های رایانه ای ( هک شدن ) می باشد و این مجموعه هیچ گونه خدماتی در راستای درخواست هک، مسوولیت و پیامدهای ناشی از آن را تحت هیچ عنوان و به هیچ شرطی نمی پذیرد. امیدواریم مطالعه ی مستمر موضوعات آموزشی ما و دنبال کردن آنها ضمن سودمند بودن، راهی مطمئن و قابل اعتماد برای ارتقای امنیت و افزایش درصد ضریب جلوگیری و نفوذ به حوزه های شخصی و خصوصی شما باشد.
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  • keleis andre
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Hoverwatch Review

Hoverwatch is a computer and mobile monitoring software developed by Refog. It is available for Android, Windows and macOS. It runs silently in the background, recording all activities performed by the user such as messages sent and received, phone calls made and received, web sites visited, and every keystroke typed. All recorded data is sent to an online account.

I like Hoverwatch because it is simple and easy to use. It also comes with a 3-day free trial, so you can try before you buy. I have tested it on both an Android phone and a Windows 7 computer, and it works great.

Getting started with Hoverwatch
To get started, you simply create an account on the Hoverwatch website, install a hidden app on the target device, and then let the app do its thing. That’s it. As long as the target device is connected to some sort of internet connection — whether it be Ethernet, Wi-Fi, or 4G — Hoverwatch can record user activity and then sends that data back to its server. You can track this information by logging into your account and clicking the name of your target device.

hoverwatch account

Hoverwatch supports the following operating systems:

Android 4.x to 7.x
Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10
Mac 10.9, 10.10 and 10.11
Note: The app requires an internet connection to work properly.

Keep in mind, you must have physical access to a target phone (or computer) to install it.

hoverwatch free trial

Hoverwatch for Android
On an Android phone, this app installs in two modes, rooted or not. When Hoverwatch is installed on a rooted Android device, it can take screenshots and monitor instant messengers like WhatsApp, Snapchat and Facebook Messenger. I don’t recommend rooting the phone unless you’re a power user and know what you’re doing.

hoverwatch rooted mode
Rooted Mode
The good news is that most of the features do not require you to have a rooted Android. These features include:

Call Recording: Record all incoming and outgoing phone calls.
View Call History: See their call history and missed calls.
View SMS: Monitor sent, received, and deleted text messages.
GPS Tracking: See the location of your target phone on a map.
Contacts: View the contacts in the phone’s address book.
Internet: View the phone’s browser history.
Calendar: Monitor their calendar entries.
Track Camera: Take a photo of the person holding the phone.
SIM Change Notification: Receive alerts if the phone’s SIM information changes.
Stealth Mode: The app runs in stealth mode and is invisible to the user.
hoverwatch free trial

How to setup Hoverwatch on Android
1. To install Hoverwatch for Android, first, head over to and create a free account with your email address.

sign up hoverwatch

2. You have to enable “Unknown Sources” on your target phone to install Hoverwatch. This can be done by going to Settings > Security and check Unknown sources.

unknown sources

3. Open a web browser on the target phone, go to and log in with your email and password.

log in

4. Tap on the Download button to get the APK file. The download file is just 1.22 MB in size.

download hoverwatch

5. Once the download is complete, open the file to install. The app will ask you who you want to monitor. You have four options: kid, employee, yourself or other. Select the one that best fits your needs, and then make sure “Hide Hoverwatch icon” is checked.

hide the app icon

6. Enter your username and password and activate the app.

activate the app

7. Once the installation is done, you can log into your account and start monitoring.

Now, I’ve only been able to test this for a short period, but the service performs exactly as it says it will, and performs well. You might have to take a little time to begin with to get it set up but it’s not rocket science. You might also want to check the legal ramifications if you plan to secretly monitor anyone over the age of 18. While I think tools like this are incredibly powerful and demonstrate the capabilities of today’s average smartphone, the social, and very human, implications of trust might need to be considered before diving into a subscription.

Pricing and Plans
There’s a free 3-day trial that doesn’t require a credit card. After the trial expires, you will need to upgrade to a paid plan in order to continue using the service. Hoverwatch has two plan options: the Personal plan, which lets you monitor a single device; and the Family plan, which lets you monitor up to five devices.

The Personal plan costs $19.95 a month, three-months for $49.95, or one year for $99.95. The Family plan is $39.95 per month or $199.95 per year.

While it’s pricey, Hoverwatch is one of the easiest-to-use, most powerful Android spying apps I’ve used.

  • keleis andre
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SPY24 — the best Facebook Messenger spy
SPY24 is the easiest way to spy on Facebook messages for free. The application allows you to track chats, calls, images and messages on Facebook, WhatsApp, Viber and Snapchat. The Facebook Messenger Spy App is a hidden way to follow someone’s activities on social networks. It’s not a joke! You can track Facebook messages without any problem. Would you like to have your own Facebook Messenger spy application?

How to spy on Facebook Messenger: 3 steps
To access the tracking function, you must follow three simple steps:

Sign up for your online account on SPY24 (it’s free). You need to enter your email and create a password;
After downloading the tracking app, you’ll need to install it from online account;
Then you’ll be able to monitor Facebook activity in your account.
If the application is installed on an Android device with the right roots, the saving of Facebook messages is performed automatically; you don’t need to use any additional settings. It’s so easy to use SPY24.

5 reasons to download the Facebook Messenger Spy app
Facebook is the most popular social network, used for exchanging information by billions of people. Used during one’s free time, it doesn’t create problems for businesses, but as everyone knows, many employees waste hundreds of hours by chatting instead of working. The website is a great platform for communication, but at the same time is the cause of lost time and attention. There are more reasons to download the Facebook Messenger Spy App:

Children use Facebook to do some things that are not allowed, such as sending prohibited images.
Using Internet, teens learn illicit habits like drug use and early sex.
Employees might spend otherwise-productive hours on this social network; such workers can put a company at a loss.
Somebody whom you love can send illicit messages to another man or woman.
There are many more reasons, but you could have your own, such as a desire to help someone whom you love or who is important to you. Sometimes the question arises: Is it possible to prevent all this? Of course, yes.

Use SPY24, a modern Facebook Messenger Spy App that can become your helper in any life situation. Through it, you’ll be able to closely monitor the activities of various groups (children, teens, workers, loved ones) on this famous social network. A Facebook tracker app like SPY24 can help you handle many personal and business tasks.

SPY24 Facebook Spy – the easiest way to spy on Facebook

Spy on Facebook: Who needs it?
It’s difficult to find people who don’t need Facebook Messenger tracking. SPY24 is useful for parents, husbands and wives, and, of course, for owners of businesses.

If your children, loved ones and employees use Facebook to send messages, they’ll do if often at home, at work and everywhere. It can affect relationships, work and school.

No doubt, any parent wants his child to be safe and any husband or wife wants to be sure his or her loved one is honest. And businessman needs to know that his workers aren’t wasting their time or sharing company secrets. Facebook Messenger tracking can help in any situation.

Facebook spy app SPY24 and its features
SPY24 is the easiest way to truly know people through their online activities and private messages. It lets you control any chat conversation that takes place through the target smartphone on Android. This app registers both outgoing and incoming messages.

SPY24 is a very helpful application. Using it, you’ll be able to check:

The names of people with whom your teens, workers and loved ones have been speaking;
Any chat conversations;
The date and time when chats took place;
Different videos, audio files, pictures and photos sent through chat.
All this and other information from social network chat conversations will be uploaded to your SPY24 control panel. It works online 24 hours a day, so you’ll be able to track anybody whenever you want. This simple program will give you all the information you need about what is going on around you.

Are you still thinking about how to spy on Facebook Messenger? The answer is right here – create an account on SPY24, download the application and start tracking social activity. You will get access to the best free spy app, and you definitely need it to ensure your children don’t do bad things, your loved one is honest with you, and your workers are truly earning their salaries.

  • keleis andre
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Hike spy software

Hike messenger with more than 100 million users is now very popular. In Hike vs whatsApp comparison, Hike might not be as popular as WhatsApp but many people are starting to use it and they love it. Hike messenger features are very user-friendly and handy. That’s why many people are using it. Now are you looking for a hike messenger hack? Do you want to find out how to spy on someones Hike messages without them knowing? If you are looking for a way to hack Hike messenger, you are in the right place. Continue reading this article as I am about to introduce you the best Hike spy software.

Hike spy software to hack Hike messenger
There are many Hike messenger spy tools out in the market, but if you really want to have full access to someones Hike account, you will need the best Hike spy software. One of the most comprehensive spy tools is Underspy. Underspy is the most professional monitoring software which is perfectly designed for the ones who one to spy on instant messengers. Underspy Hike spy software is the best you can find if you want to hack Hike messenger. Underspy Hike spy feature allows you to:

Monitor all incoming and outgoing Hike messages
Spy on Hike contacts
See the time stamps of each message
Read all Hike messages even if they have been deleted
Access all the data directly from your Control Panel
How to use Underspy Hike spy software
In order to use Underspy as a Hike messenger spy tool, you need to install it on your target device. The installation process is short and easy. So, you only need a 5-minute-1-time access to your target device. Once you have installed Underspy, you won’t need the target device any more. Underspy hack tool runs in hidden mode, so you target person will never find out you are spying on their Hike messenger. Underspy is not just a Hike spy software. You can use Underspy for a variety of monitoring features such as,

Track calls and messages
View browser history and block websites
Track GPS locations
Monitor instant messengers such as, WhatsApp, Line, imo, etc
Record calls and environment sounds
Many other features you can check out for yourself on Underspy official website
Why will you need Hike spy software to hack Hike
There are many reasons why someone would want to hack Hike messenger.

Nowadays every kid owns a cell phone and they are exposed to any sort of data and any kind of people as they access the internet. This creates the need for parents to spy on Hike messenger and keep tabs on their Hike messages.
Employers might worry that their employees are spending too much time chatting on Hike messenger. Employees might be sharing your company confidential data with competitors and you need to use a Hike spy software to monitor them.
Relationships must be based on trust but sometimes doubts about your partner’s honesty can ruin a relationship. Use Hike spy software to spy on your partner’s Hike messages and find out the truth about your relationship.

  • keleis andre
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The kids of today’s generation are way too smarter than their parents in terms of technological knowledge. Like most parents, if you too have given a phone to your kid, your biggest concern would surely be related to the unacceptable activities that one can perform using a cell phone. And to be honest, you can’t even track those activities, no matter how frequently you check their cell phones manually. And the reason is that they know how to use a phone better than you ever did.


So what to do now? You can’t even refuse to give them a cell phone, because it’s a necessity to cope up with today’s era. Well, the only answer to your question is a cell phone spying app. But then another question arises. Does simply installing a spying app on their Android device while letting your kid know about its installation will help you achieve your task? Absolutely no. They will anyhow find a way to tackle that problem or might show the audacity to simply uninstall the app.


Now what you can do is, install a tracking app on their device and hide it. Using this simple trick you will be able to track their Android devices and they won’t be able to tamper with the app. Even while knowing about the existence of such an app on their Android device, by just hiding it, they won’t be able to find a way to delete it.

So, let’s hit the road without wasting any more time and get ourselves introduced to the list of the 9 best spy apps for Android that work in hidden mode.

DISCLAIMER – Before installing a spying app on the Android device of your kid, it’s necessary that you make them aware of such an installation. Without their consent, it would be inappropriate to install a monitoring app on their device.

Quick links to go to specific sections of the article:


Best Hidden Spy Apps For Android

Video For Best Android Spy Apps

What Should Be My Final Choice



Best Hidden Spy Apps For Android

All the apps mentioned here, give you an option to hide their app icon while installing them on the target device letting them run in the background. Moreover, they are installed with a generic installation name hence they are hard to detect.


1. SPY24


SPY24 monitoring app for Android phones offers some features without rooting that are not provided by any other apps.

Along with the normal features like tracking of calls, messages on social media, tracking of videos, photos, keylogger, location tracking, etc, you get some advanced features as well.

Using the SPY24 Call Recording feature, you can eavesdrop on the call recording of the target device. And this feature worked perfectly for us. Just the recording from the other end could have been louder, but it’s not like the voice is not audible.

By getting remote access to the target phone remotely, the app takes screenshots while the target person is using their phone.

If sometimes you wonder what your kids are doing right now, you can curb out your curiosity by getting access to the rear camera and secretly take photos of the surroundings.

You’ll like the working of the Take Photos feature as the app updates the photos within 15-20 seconds after it’s clicked. And the thing is that you can use this feature without even rooting your partner’s phone.



The remotely captured photos, call recordings, and phone screenshots might take some time in uploading on the portal.

The feature that impressed us the most and worked beyond our expectations was Keylogger. SPY24 keylogger works better than the keylogger of almost every spy app. Unlike the keylogger of most of the spy apps where you’ll see incomplete keystrokes, on SPY24, all the keystrokes made on various apps on the phone were present as they were.


In addition to that, the updates on the keylogger section were within seconds. So if you notice something that requires immediate action, you can rely on SPY24 for that.

If social media and instant messaging apps are your keen areas of tracking, even then SPY24 can be your primary choice.

Be it for spying on WhatsApp, Facebook, Snapchat, or Instagram, you can easily keep a track of all the social media accounts easily.

The monitoring of social accounts is not solely dependent on text. Along with the text, you will receive the screenshots while the target person is using their social media accounts.

All of these amazing features can be accessed while the app runs in stealth mode. So basically, SPY24 makes your monitoring experience complete in each and every aspect.

When it comes to pricing, you can go for 3 different plans based on the devices. If you choose the 1-Month Plan, you have to pay $39.95/month. If you pay for three months upfront, you need to pay $19.98/month, and if you choose 1-Year Plan, then you have to pay just, $9.16/month.


What We Loved

Impressive data sync speed

The data being tracked is absolutely accurate

Keylogger of the app works amazingly

Advance features are available without rooting

Tracking of social media with screenshots makes your tracking more reliable

You can take the photos remotely from the target phone anytime

What We Didn't Like

The voice of the other person in the call recording should have been louder

Location feature worked inaccurately sometimes

Click Here to Try SPY24

Recommended: Read our detailed SPY24 review

Also, check our detailed review video of SPY24.


2. FlexiSPY

The next one on the list is FlexiSPY, an app that provides advanced-level features even when the phone isn’t rooted.

Some of these advanced features include call recording, capturing the photos and videos from the target device remotely, and listening to surrounding sounds.

Other features include SIM card change notification, keylogger, and access to call logs, etc. With FlexiSPY, you can also keep a track of the apps that your kid used recently. Plus, the list of all the apps installed on the target device can be seen as well.

If you wonder what’s going on nearby your kid, you can secretly record and listen to the surrounding voices. You can even record the video by easily getting remote access to the target device’s camera.

Marking the keylogger as the flagship feature of the app shouldn’t surprise anyone. FlexiSPY keylogger shows the keystrokes for all the apps where something was typed. And it works better than the keylogger of any other app that we have tested.


FlexiSPY also works with phones that are rooted. And with a rooted device, you open a room for other tracking features as well.

If the Android device is rooted and you have an EXTREME plan, you can spy on someone’s phone in plenty of other ways. Along with the cellular calls and messages, you also get access to VoIP calls and messages sent on social media. Including the call logs and recordings from Facebook, WhatsApp, LINE, Skype, and Viber.

With the EXTREME plan, you will get all the premium monitoring features plus some more features. This will make it possible for you to do the call recording (root not required) and even call interception (for rooted).

FlexiSPY has three different plans. The LITE plan costs you $29.95 per month, PREMIUM plan costs you $68 per month, and EXTREME plan costs you $199 for 3 months. If you pay for 3 months or 12 months in one go while choosing the PREMIUM plan, you can save a lot of money.


What We Loved

Full control on the device remotely

Advanced features like Call Recording without rooting

Best Keylogger ever

Flexispy has good support service

Hide rooting traces for the target device

What We Didn't Like

Extreme and premium plans are a bit expensive

Click Here to Try FlexiSPY

Recommended: Read our detailed FlexiSPY review

3. uMobix

uMobix is a new spy app in the market but the way it works will make you fall for it. Despite being a new spy app, it has everything that you want to keep a track of your loved ones.

From calls to messages, contacts, photos, videos, and location, all the features of the app make it better than most spy apps that exist in the market for years.

Most of the spy apps fail to impress their customers with their keylogger due to which they lose their reputation in the market. But the uMobix keylogger impressed us a lot.

All the keystrokes that the target person makes appear on the portal for you to check remotely. The date and time stamp with each keystroke makes keystroke tracking more detailed.


If you suspect your spouse of an affair then missing their social account and instant messaging apps can be a big mistake.

With uMobix installed on their phone, you’ll have complete access to your spouse’s social accounts. uMobix takes screenshots from time to time while the target person is using WhatsApp, Facebook, Snapchat, or any other app.

The list of social apps and instant messaging apps that uMobix supports is also quite long. Some of the other apps include Tinder, Zoom, TikTok, Viber, Telegram, Wechat, and so on.

These timely screenshots will make sure you don’t miss anything important.


As you can see, uMobix also monitors the TikTok activities of the user. Being one of the most influential apps of recent times, it becomes important to keep an eye on the TikTok account of the kids.

Most tracking apps neglect the negatives of TikTok and don’t provide any specific tracking feature for the app. But with uMobix it’s easy to keep a check on TikTok activities.

All the spy apps will offer you web browser tracking, but do they also monitor what’s searched on the incognito tab as well? Unlike most spy apps, uMobix monitors incognito history for you.

uMobix has kept its services quite inexpensive which is really appreciable. You can purchase a 1-month plan of uMobix for $39.99, $44.97 if you purchase their services for 3-months, the 6-month plan can be brought for $49.99, and the 12-month plan will cost you $89.88.


What We Loved

Also shows the messages that are sent and deleted immediately


Keylogger feature also shows the data copied to the clipboard

Accurate tracking of browsing history

Searches from the incognito tab are also tracked

Data sync speed is very good

Tracking with screenshots makes tracking of data even better

What We Didn't Like

Bookmarks are not shown by the app


Updates in social media are not consistent

Click Here to Try uMobix

Recommended: Read our detailed uMobix review

4. mSpy

The list for the best hidden Android spying apps will always remain incomplete without adding mSpy.

The app gives you access to images and videos stored on the target device. The chats on various social media platforms like Kik, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Line, Tinder, etc. can be traced easily.

To make sure that your kid’s in the vicinity, you can take the help of the GPS location. It will give you updates regarding the current location of your child. With the help of the geofencing feature, you can create imaginary fencing. Now, whenever your child crosses that fence, you immediately get an update about that.


Some other amazing features of mSpy include website bookmarks, where you can keep an eye on the websites that your kid has bookmarked on the browser. Using the keylogger feature you will be able to keep an eye on the typing activities of your kid.

mSpy also makes it easy for the parents to check out the list of WiFi networks that their kid’s phone had connected to. Accessing the outgoing and incoming emails on the target device is also not a big task while using mSpy.

If the price is what you’re concerned about, you would be happy to know that mSpy has a basic plan that costs you just $29.99 per month. Moreover, the premium plan costs $69.99 per month, with some extra features. If you want to save more money, you can go for the 3 months or 12 months subscription.

Moreover, mSpy offers an exclusive 15% discount for SpyDrill readers on all of their plans. To grab the discount use the “SPYDRILL15” coupon code at checkout.


What We Loved

Quick and easy set up

Easy to use

Access to enough features without rooting

Geofencing feature available

mSpy makes it possible to block unnecessary apps


What We Didn't Like

You can monitor one device at a time

Sometimes it takes time to upload new data from the target device

Click Here to Try mSpy

Recommended: Read our detailed mSpy review

You can also learn about mSpy in our detailed video review.


5. pcTattletale

pcTattletale is an app that works differently than most Android spy apps in the market. No app gives the feature to see the real-time view of the target phone’s screen remotely, except pcTattletale.

With its Live View feature, the app takes access to the phone screen of your loved ones and shows them remotely on its online portal.


The live recording shown by pcTattletale is just a few seconds behind what’s actually going on the target phone.

If you don’t have much time to view the live streaming of the phone, even then there’s no need to miss anything important. pcTattletale will record the video when you are offline. Once you’re back, you can watch the recorded video anytime.


If you want a monitoring app to monitor your kids then you’ll cherish the Click Activity feature of pcTattletale.


This feature will show you the number of taps made by the target person on their phone every hour. This way you can know if they are addicted to their phone or not.

A spy app without a location monitoring feature doesn’t make any sense. Thankfully, pcTattletale doesn’t fall into this category. You can check the current location of your lover whenever you want with the pcTattletale Location Tracking feature.


pcTattetale has 3 different plans for people with different needs. The first one is the FAMILY plan that costs $99 with a storage capacity of 7 days. The next one is the FAMILY PLUS plan that costs $147 and has a storage capacity of 30 days. Finally comes the BUSINESS plan that will cost you $297 with a storage capacity of 365 days. All three plans can monitor 3 devices at a time.

The best part of their plans is that you don’t need to purchase a separate plan or any other spy app if you want to monitor someone’s computer as well. With pcTattletale, you can add up to 3 devices be it Android or PC, and track them easily with the same plan.


What We Loved

Tracking of the target phone is done with live streaming

Video is recorded if you are offline

Possible to know the usage of the phone every hour

The location tracking feature works perfectly

The live recording is just a few seconds behind

What We Didn't Like

Live recording fails to show video played on the target phone

The live recording does not work in incognito mode

Click Here to Try pcTattletale

Recommended: Read our detailed pcTattletale review

6. iKeyMonitor

iKeyMonitor is undoubtedly one of the most popular monitoring apps. It makes your device tracking complete in almost every sense.

The app has a huge list of features that are capable enough to give you the best monitoring experience and you won’t feel like there’s anything else left for monitoring on the kids or spouse phone.

For starting the monitoring on the target device, you need to set up the app on both the kid’s/partner device and the parent’s (your) device.

Once the device is set up with all the necessary permissions, all the data on the target device will be accessible.

The best thing about iKeyMonitor is that the app gives access to many advanced features without even demanding for the rooting of the target cellphone.

These advanced features include call recording, keystroke detection, app screenshots, access to the surrounding sounds, and the phone camera.

We personally liked the app screenshot and photos feature of iKeyMonitor a lot. There was not even a single photo that was received by the target cell phone but wasn’t uploaded on the iKeyMonitor account.

The screenshots can be taken anytime while the kid is using any app on their device. So, you’ll be aware of all the activities going on different apps with mere screenshots.


Similarly, the surroundings feature won our hearts too. All the ambient voices around the target smartphone recorded by iKeyMonitor were completely audible. What all your spouse discusses with someone can be heard easily by listening to the recorded ambient sounds.


Complete access to all the text messages and photos from various social media platforms is another great thing about iKeyMonitor.

Most importantly, the app works in stealth mode. So your kid won’t be able to know anything about the app installation, making your spying easy and undetectable.

The reason why I personally like iKeyMonitor so much is that the app gives a free plan as well, obviously with limitations of features. 3-day free access to advanced-level features is also available.

So basically you can use the app first and make a decision in 3 days whether you want to invest your money on the app or not.

iKeyMonitor has 2 different plans which the user can go for. One is the Free plan which means you need not spend a single buck to use the app. The second one is the Paid plan which you get for $29.16/month, with access to all the supreme features.


What We Loved

Advanced features available without rooting

iKeyMonitor also gives a FREE plan to its users with basic monitoring features

Even the paid plan of the app is not much expensive

Surrounding sounds were completely audible

The app screenshots feature works very well


What We Didn't Like

Takes a few minutes to upload new data

Social media tracking with iKeyMonitor might be incomplete

Click Here to Try iKeyMonitor

Recommended: Read our detailed iKeyMonitor review

7. Hoverwatch

Here comes another undetectable spying app for Android to keep a watch on the kids and employees. Hoverwatch provides you with all the necessary features that one needs to spy on Android devices.

With the screenshots of the target device from time to time, there’s no way you’ll miss any activity that the kid is doing using their cellphone.


Screenshots are not the only thing that Hoverwatch captures. The kid won’t even realize and Hoverwatch will take the photos of the surroundings by getting access to the front camera of the target phone and show them to you remotely.

This can be a great way to know where your kid actually is and you can make sure they are not in any kind of trouble.

Be the messages received or sent on Snapchat, Facebook, WhatsApp, or Viber, everything is tracked by Hoverwatch.

Other than messages, you will also get the screenshots from the Instagram newsfeed/explore tab, Facebook, and Snapchat or the screenshot from any other social app that is used on the target phone.

Even the pages accessed by the child on the browser will be seen in the form of screenshots.

Overall you can say that with Hoverwatch, there’s a possibility to spy on every activity going on the target device.

Have you ever wondered who are the best buddies of your kid and are they really genuine? Well, you can now have a peek at their contact list to know about their friends.

Why just look at their contact list and wonder “who is this person my kid has been meeting and receiving phone calls from.”

Use the Locations feature and catch your kid while they are out with someone unknown. Or simply listen to the call recording that Hoverwatch records for you.

Hoverwatch has 3 plans for you. Professional plan for $49.95/month with tracking of 5 devices, Personal plan for $24.95/month with tracking of 1 device, and Business plan for $149.95/month with tracking of 25 devices.


What We Loved

Frequent screenshots from the target smartphone

Don’t take much time in uploading data

App settings are flexible and can be easily modified

Call recording was easily audible from both sides

What We Didn't Like

The app itself provides the data with its time, you can’t personally select a particular feature and use it

Click Here to Try Hoverwatch

Recommended: Read our detailed Hoverwatch review

8. Spyic

Spyic will always make its place in the list of best hidden spying apps for Android for sure. The app has a very clean and simple design, making it easy for you to monitor your kid’s smartphone.

There are various amazing features offered by Spyic using which you can not only track your kids but your employees and lover too.

Using Spyic, you can keep track of all the calls made using the target device. And the list of all the contacts that exist on the target device can be seen as well.

At times, it becomes necessary to check the messages sent and received by the target phone on various social media and instant messaging apps. Spyic helps you keep an eye on social media and instant messaging apps like WhatsApp, Facebook, Viber, Snapchat, and more, very easily.

When it comes to the tracking of Messenger, Spyic extracts all the messages sent and received by the child and show them on your screen.


Curious about the photos stored on the monitored device? It’s easy to peek at those photos and the photos can even be downloaded locally.

Location tracking becomes necessary when you have a teenager to monitor who is always ready to step out of the house and rover all around. So you can always use the Spyic Location feature to keep the track of the current location of your loved ones.

For the safety of the kids from the filthy content on the internet, the Browser History feature is gonna help you out.

If your concern is that the employees or your kids might change the SIM card, then you need not panic. Spyic immediately alerts you with an email, that the SIM card has been removed or changed.

Keylogger feature in Spyic will help you see each and every keystroke that the kid makes on the device. Many times the Spyic keylogger shows the words that are not typed by the kids but just present on the phone screen.


This can sometimes reveal the activities of the child that would not have been possible otherwise.

For example, when the child is reading something from the web, the keylogger might show you that text and you’ll be able to know what all stuff your child likes to read on the internet.

Spyic offers three different plans to its users and you can choose the one according to your needs. The basic plan costs about $39.99 per month, the premium will cost you $49.99, and the family pack for $69.99. You can save a large amount of money if you buy 3 months or 12 months pack.

What We Loved

Simple and sober design of the app

Photos on the target device are easily accessible

Keylogger of Spyic works properly

You can easily access the calendar activities

What We Didn't Like

The location and web history feature didn’t work in our case

Videos in the target device were not getting downloaded

Click Here to Try Spyic

Recommended: Read our detailed Spyic review

9. Cocospy

Just as you would expect from a spy app, Cocospy extracts the information related to the calls that were made before and after installing the app on the target device.

The same goes for the list of contacts available on the target phone.

Be it the messages from companies or someone near and dear one to your spouse, you’ll be updated with conversation from both sides.

Getting updates about the location is necessary in order to keep a complete check over the partner, employee, or the teen’s cell phone. Cocospy assists you by keeping you updated about the current location of the child. And also the recent locations where the child was some time ago.


The browsing history feature is supposed to check on all the stuff that the teen watches on the internet.

Coming to social media tracking, this feature worked amazingly for some social apps and was a disappointment while testing on others.

For instance, the activities for Instagram were tracked perfectly well. The conversation from both ends was available and other notifications were also given, like when someone tagged you in a post.


But you’ll get disappointed seeing the updates given for WhatsApp.

The Keylogger feature will make you aware of all the keystrokes that children perform on various apps on their phones.

Cocospy has three different plans for its Android customers. The Basic plan for $39.99/month, the Premium plan for $49.99/month, and the Family plan for $69.99/month.


What We Loved

Updates data from the target phone to your Cocospy account quickly

The photo tracking feature of Cocospy works very well

No rooting and jailbreaking required to monitor the target phone

SIM Card feature available to give you updates when the target person changes SIM


What We Didn't Like

The browser history feature does not work properly

The phone might slow down


Click Here to Try Cocospy

Recommended: Read our detailed Cocospy review

Video From Our YouTube Channel: Best Android Spy Apps

You can also watch the video on our YouTube channel to learn about the best spy apps for Android that work in hidden mode and don’t require rooting.


What Should Be My Final Choice?

All the apps mentioned above are top-notch and work amazingly with Android devices. Moreover, all of them can be hidden on the target Android phone. If the device is not rooted and you’re a bit confused while making the final choice then we recommend you go for SPY24 or FlexiSPY. With this, we hope you’ll finally be able to decide which app you should go for.


How To Spy On Android Phone?

It's possible to spy on an Android phone once you install any of the monitoring apps mentioned in this article.

Can Android Spy Apps Be Detected?

While installing the spy app if you choose to hide the app icon, then you don't need to fear about the spy app revealing itself.

Do Spy App For Android Really Work?

Yes, spy apps work after you install them on the target Android cell phone. They extract the data from the target device and show it to you via their online portal remotely.

What Are The Best Undetectable Hidden Spy Apps For Android?

Spyic and FlexiSPY can be easily listed as the best undetectable hidden spy apps to monitor the target Android phone.

Can I Remotely Install Spyware On Android Cell Phone?

No, it's not possible to install the spy app on Android remotely. The reason is that you need to give certain permissions which can only be done once you have remote access to the phone.


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iPhone Spy Software

Monitor your child or significant other’s entire mobile activities remotely
Look into Deleted Chat Messages: Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and many more…
No Physical access needed of the target iPhone
Work in Hidden mode
100% Safety Guaranteed
Accessible from all Web Browsers
Spy on iPhone with SPY24!

SPY24 is a smartly designed iPhone spy software that makes it a piece of cake to track all the mobile phone activities of the target iPhone. Remotely spy and get all the precise information that you are looking for. No physical access needed of the target iPhone. Just get this reliable iPhone spy software and start spying on the suspicious person. The best part is that the user under the surveillance won’t be able to know that you are secretly spying on them.

Enjoy the following iPhone Spy Features of SPY24
Call Tracking Call Tracking
The call tracking feature gives you access to the target person’s all call logs. You will get all the Incoming and outgoing calls (numbers dialed and receive) of the target iPhone even the length of calls.

GPS Tracking  GPS Tracking
This iPhone Spy Software is really easy-to-use and can be operated from any location. It means that you can get the exact location of the target iPhone by sitting at the comfort of your places.

Web History Tracking Web History Tracking
Ever wondered what the target person watches on his/her iPhone all the time? Now, you can check their internet browsing history with the URL tracking feature of SPY24.

WhatsApp Tracking WhatsApp Tracking
SPY24 effectively transfers all the Whatsapp chats of the target iPhone to your personal SPY24 account. Now you can track Whatsapp chats, videos, calls of the suspicious person remotely in hidden mode.

SMS Tracking App SMS Tracking
Yes, SMS tracking is also possible with this wonderful iPhone spy software. You can remotely monitor and read all the sent and received messages from the target iPhone. You will also get the information about the sender or receiver number.

Photo Tracking Photo Tracking
The secret place in one’s mobile is the multimedia gallery. Photo or multimedia tracking lets you track all the images, videos, and audio files stored in the target iPhone. Surely you can get a lot of information from the target person’s multimedia gallery alone.

Instagram Tracking Instagram Tracking
To add your areas of spying here comes another unique spy feature of SPY24 that provides you the precise information of the Instagram chats. You read and save the evidence even if the chat gets deleted in the target iPhone.

Viber Tracking  Viber Tracking
The Viber tracking features lets you have full control over the text messages that are exchanged from the target phone. SPY24 is the leading iPhone spy software that allows you to secretly track and read whole conversation threads of your teens or significant other.

Facebook Messenger App Facebook Messenger Tracking
SPY24 is the powerful iPhone spy software that lets you secretly spy on the target person’s Facebook messenger. You can track all Facebook chat conversations remotely with the exact time and date stamp.

Snapchat Tracking Snapchat Tracking
The Snapchat Tracking feature of SPY24 lets you access all the chat conversations that the target person is having. With this iPhone spy software, you can access complete information like exact date & time the chats were exchanged.

Hangout Tracking Hangouts Tracking
SPY24lets you remotely and secretly spy on the target user’s Hangout profile. It is super easy to spy on Hangout by monitoring all the chats and contacts with time, and date details available too.

Phonebook Tracking Phonebook Tracking
The SPY24 also comes with Phonebook tracking feature that transfers all the contacts stored in the target person’s iPhone. Now you can view the list of saved contacts in the target iPhone.

How it works

Get iCloud Credentials
Collect the iCloud credentials of the target device smartly. Login to your spymaster account and submit these credentials, when required during the process.

Use the features
Select the features you want to use to monitor the information of a chosen person. For example Whatsapp, Facebook, call log, etc.
Track every information remotely
Start tracking the target iPhone remotely, without touching it. Everything will be visible in your control panel. Check anything, anytime from anywhere.

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WhatsApp Sniffer tools

 Whatsapp sniffer v3.3 free download android If you connect to the same network of the hacker then you would have chance to get in trouble. You can use this WhatsApp spy Android and WhatsApp spy iPhone to control Whatsapp and find out who your target person is talking to on WhatsApp. The package installer window will pop up. Top whatsapp sniffer Sniffers are a great toolfor finding security weaknesses in networks and they are a really effective tool in debugging stages of a network. We have enabled many services here. 

On an unrooted device:If you are going forward with Whatsapp Sniffer V3. We are independently owned and the opinions expressed here are our own. Ritorniamo a parlare disicurezzavediamo come posssibile spiare Whatsapp con Whatsapp Sniffer, una potente applicazione che permette. Are you waiting eagerly for that app to get installed just like I did? But the point about using v3. Because it willfurnish your device with the commands required to aid your needs. How can we avoid being spied on by WhatsApp sniffer apk? To fix this, stop the program, stop WIFI and start WIFI again. This will enable you to install any app from any source you want without any problem. You can use this WhatsApp spy Android and WhatsApp spy iPhone to control Whatsapp and find out who your target person is talking to on WhatsApp. The most professional monitoring app for kids, employees, etc.

 Enjoy the challenge and be ready to compete!!. It has also one of the best working feature Voice Calling — Source:. Try any paid antivirus and scan the data in your mobile phone. And there actually is an app like that, named WhatsApp Sniffer. How packet sniffer is used in Whatsapp spy Software? A limitation of this kind of hacking is that only those messages can be hacked which are on the same network and the user has to be really close to a person physically in order to hack and read their WhatsApp conversations. Whatsapp sniffer v3.3 free download android No installation needed, just download whatsApp sniffer and start the software. It contains all data including MAC address, Ip pan, network subnet, routing algorithm and network protocol being used at the time of packet transmission.

 Once you download this hack xi you just need to install this tool on your computer to start it working for you. It would definitely be responsible to spy on WhatsApp if you are not an expert. Nowadays, we carry our smart devices with us everywhere and the way we communicate with one another is now revolutionized and our messaging apps have become our main means of communication. To confirm this action, please enter the title of the story below.

Whatsapp Sniffer is for people who want to start sniffing around their partner’s Whatsapp account. If you think that your partner is cheating on you or your girlfriend cheats on you, download Whatsapp sniffer to find out.


It helps people to sniff like a dog and tell you about the chat messages sent every second on your smartphone notification arena. So, if you are here to figure out how to connect or get access to someone’s WhatsApp account then find out about it by reading the rest of the tutorial.


WhatsApp Sniffer .apk for Android


Whatsapp sniffer apk 2018 file is available to download on this page. You have provided 5+ download links below and XDA Developers link (xda developers have deleted the thread, unfortunately), you can simply click and download the .apk file of WhatsApp Sniffer Android app.


WhatsApp Sniffer 2018 Android app allows Android users to receive the text messages from WhatsApp application from phones that uses the same WiFi as you (WhatsApp is totally different from WhatsApp Sniffer).


Read more → (WhatsApp for Business Latest Whatsapp Business version)


Note: Please beware that only share the original and free apk installer for WhatsApp Sniffer .apk 2018 file without any modifications or any alterations within the .apk file package for illegal activities.


All applications are free and for home or personal user only. Kindly, contact us for any download infringement or your copyright.



Download WhatsApp Sniffer .apk File 2018 (File Size: 612 KB)


Download Whatsapp Sniffer (Direct Link)

Download APK from Google Drive

Download APK from OneDrive

Download APK from ZippyShare

Download APK from Google Docs

Download APK from DropBox

Download APK from Userscloud

You can download WhatsApp Sniffer 2018 Android app using any of the above links.

Download Whatsapp Sniffer & Spy Tool 2018

As you all understand that WhatsApp is the most famous immediate messaging service across the world. Now WhatsApp is possessed by Facebook. We are the WhatsApp hacking agency across the world. HackingChat offers all its support at no cost always. Now we're offering a 100% secure and genuine WhatsApp Sniffer Tool.


What is Sniffing?

First of all, if you are a new comer, then you must know about this. Then you certainly no have to worry we are here in order to assist you on this subject, if you don't know about what is sniffing. Sniffing is an act with we could smell things. If we talk this in word then sniffing is an act with this we can find the data of our apparatus on our Device when we are connected to the same wireless networks such as wi-fi and all.




What is WhatsApp Sniffer Tool?

Sniffer instrument is a tool which works like our nose. Our nose can smell thing occurring around us like this Sniffer tool can catch the data of our local device.


This instrument requires that we need to link to the network. If you and your Victim attached to a different wi-fi network then, this Sniffing instrument would not work for you as our nose don't work for the lengthy distance.


This tool functions to read all of the WhatsApp dialog on same Wi-Fi network. WhatsApp Sniffer collaborates with all Kind of Wi-Fi Network like Open, WEP, WPA/WPA2.


WhatsApp Sniffer will not work with Blackberry because they use their host, not WhatsApp's server. This instrument may utilize WhatsApp's server. So the phone aren't supported by this Sniffing tool.

Download Whatsapp Sniffer & Spy Tool 2018

image description

The Best Way To Use WhatsApp Sniffer Tool 2018

Now here is the time to know how to utilize WhatsApp Sniffer Tool. As we stated that this WhatsApp Sniffing Tool is used to read dialog of men and women that are about precisely the same network.


This instrument is free available here. Our WhatsApp Sniffer tool is the very best and secure tool that is available online at this time.


This program is quite light and easy to use. This is a third party program by us, so you have to check your anonymous sources in your Android Phone configurations to do so follow the below steps.


Settings and Safety and Unknown sources (allow)

Download WhatsApp Sniffer Tool: Now you need a rooted phone. If your phone is not rooted, then you can root your phone easily by looking it on Google by this term "how to root Android device." Once your phone is rooted, then you have to download WhatsApp Sniffer Tool from the below link for free.

Once you've downloaded our WhatsApp Sniffer Tool in your phone.Install this instrument on your Android rooted device. This Sniffer is too easy to use, we have used a simple and effortless user interface to allow it to understand easily by anyone.

In case you don't want to root your phone and want to hack someone's WhatsApp account, then you can utilize our online Whatsapp Hacking support or our WhatsApp Spy application.

Be certain your sufferer and you are connected to same system that is Wi-Fi Otherwise.

This WhatsApp Sniffer Tool uses TCPDump app which reads all the packets sent and received over the Wi-Fi community. This tool downloads all of the packs shared on the Wi-Fi network and filtered every one of the packages that are associated with WhatsApp of your victim. As we stated that this app doesn't work with Blackberry since they use their host rather than WhatsApp server.


image description


How to Use WhatsApp Sniffer Tool?

(For NonRooted Device)

That is the central and important part of this post because a lot of folks don't need to root their phone. Rooting your telephone may void your guarantee too. We suggest you to not root your telephone if your phone is in under guarantee period otherwise you can do it with no Problem.


If you are working on a nonrooted device, then you don't need to worry because you may also use this WhatsApp Sniffer Tool on the nonrooted apparatus also. We are using Whatsapp Xtract to utilize this tool on the nonrooted device.


WhatsApp Sniffer Tool





This tool is made and owned by XDA developer ZEDD. This is a blaze fast and really simple tool. If you have a device you have to just Perform a trick to reading your victim's talk. We use WhatsApp backup in this process, so lets begin --


Download WhatsApp Sniffer Tool

First of all download whatsapp sniffer application from the given link



Obtain Whatsapp Folder

This is the vital step you need to do. You need access to a victim's telephone to utilize this WhatsApp Sniffer Tool. First of all get victim's WhatsApp folder copied in your apparatus to get started you can send it using Bluetooth or by any sharing app. Here you can find your victim's Whatsapp folder


Copy at same Place

Once you got all of the files in the WhatsApp folder of your own victim. Now copy all of of the files to the area in which you have extracted the Whatsapp Xtract in your desktop computer or laptop.



After this, you have to download WhatsApp backup extractor from this link


You need to run this file consistently. If this document do not run as an administrator, then you will notice an error or you document might be opened. Since this requires any information to an authority can be given by the sole administrator so run this file.


Now Run whatsapp_xtract_android.bat or whatsapp_xtract_android_crypted.bat again in the extracted folder of whatsapp tool.


Got your own Sniffed documents

After this step finishing successfully, you will get all the WhatsApp folder of your victim for a text document. These files can be read by you in your Laptop Browser.


Only this Sniffing tool removes the encrypt formatting out of your victim's WhatsApp files and supply you all of the information in simple and easily readable format.


Whatsapp Sniffer for iPhone

As you, all understand that iPhone works with iOS. IOS is the most secure portable platform because it doesn't permit you to install a third party program So you need to play with a simple trick to use this Whatsapp sniffer in your iPhone.


So, Men, this is our WhatsApp Sniffer instrument we trust that all enjoyed this stuff. Please do not forget to discuss this with other people.

Top 3 Best WhatsApp Sniffer Tool (Paid)


Top of the list is mSPy a excellent snipper and spy tool which enables users to track WhatsApp messages of iOS and Android users. In addition, it can be installed on Windows and Mac operating systems. It's simple to use, beautifully designed and is packed with features.



Simple 3 -step setup procedure.

Includes a geo-fencing attribute, GPS location and a keylogger for detailed monitoring.

View all installed programs and calls.

Access calendar events and actions.

No-jailbreak is necessary.



Is vulnerable to privacy problems for certain men and women.






Available on iOS, Android, Windows and Mac operating systems, SPY24 rankings in third for reasons like user friendliness and functionalities.



Monitor and intercept telephone calls.

Track phones using GPS monitoring system.

Is packed with over 150 distinct features.

Has a money back guarantee if you're not pleased with the product.



It's highly priced.






Underspy is a user friendly tracking and tracking software that's packed with features which makes it effortless to track WhatsApp messages.



Record and track calls.



Android devices need to be rooted.


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